Our four legged friends deserve nothing but the best. It's not enough just to feed and walk our dogs, they need much more, and through this venture I am trying to offer various services for all dog enthusiasts ranging from sport training, ring training, obedience training, behavior consultancy for dogs with behavioral issues and other services.
The aim of this scheme is to teach dog owners how to raise better pets that are good, trusted loyal companions and to have a happy cohabitation with his/her dog.
Read MoreLike us humans, dogs can suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, temperamental issues etc. If your dog has behavioral problems we can help!
Read MoreOur Trusted Pet Scheme will soon be launching, and will cover many aspects of handling and obedience. Contact us for more information.
Read MoreAs a professional, I offer my clients a range of healthy products, but only those that I believe in myself, and without any compromise on the quality.
Read MoreLearning about your pet and how to keep them both healthy and happy is an important role of any owner. Joining our seminars help you achieve just that.
Read MoreAll working dog owners should embark in the WDTT as this includes a combination of breed tests, temper test, obedience and protection abilities.
Read MoreMy main two passions in life are films and dog training. Hence offering this service is combining my two passions together. For more information contact me.
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For me Malta Dog Training Services is a dream of a life time. Our four legged friends deserve nothing but the best. It's not enough just to feed and walk our dogs, they need much more, and through this life-time experience I am trying to offer various services for all dog enthusiasts ranging. I am proud to have introduced dog Behaviour as a science to Malta back in 2002, positive training techniques and also studied and worked loads on dog natural nutrition. I work with dogs and their human holistically in order to ensure a better relation and hence a better success rate in whaterver you wish to undertake with your dog. Various training is offered ranging from sport training, obedience training, behavior consultancy for dogs with behavioral issues and other services. Dog training for me is not a just a job for me, I want to help people understand their four legged friend and live happily together. Dog behaviour modification is more than just dog training my studies and experience go much beyond the ususal sit - stay - obey matter, I proud myself to move away from the convential techniques - NO Trick training, NO Forced training ... - Robert Spiteri
We help with the correct training for a happy and healthy dog!
We help treat any temperamental or anxiety issues with your dog!
We help provide a healthy and balanced diet so your dog can shine!
We help and advise the proper care for a strong dog and owner bond!
We will send you occasional news about our services and health suggestions for your furry friend.
We used Robert's services when we got our GSD puppy in 2008 and he was extremely helpful and helped us correct some behavioral issues with excellent results.
I have sought Robert's advice when I got a dog from SPCA. His advice was secong to none and thanks to him our dog's behaviour improved a lot. Thanks.
When you have someone like Robert, who is not only professionally trained, but also has a true passion for dogs, you get more than a trainer. You get someone who understands the dog, and the rapport between dog and master. The results speak for themselves. Totally recommended
I've recently used Malta dog training services, and Robert was of great help. The methods used to train dogs are very effective and more enjoyable both for the dog and his owner. Robert always helped me in my difficulties and questions, at any time.
I found Robert to be extremely professional and knowledgeable as well as helpful. I adopted a five week old puppy and although I have had dogs before they always came when they were adults. Robert is dedicated and more important knows how to listen. His advice was timely and imperative. Thank you Robert.
The aim of this scheme is to teach dog owners how to raise better pets that are good, trusted loyal companions. This seminar tries to bring forward all that is necessary for an average dog owner to have a happy cohabitation with his/her dog. The PET Scheme consists of 2 parts – THEORETICAL and PRACTICAL
If you have any questions fill in the form below with your details and requirements and we will get back to you as soon as possible